Meet Details

Costa Blanca - Spain
27 Oct 2016 to 1 Nov 2016

Annual climbing pilgrimage to Spain. Based at the Orange House. Sport climbing of all grades for all abilities along with excellent weather and good company.

Note: Meet originally planned for return on Mon 31st but due to Easyjet deciding to have much cheaper flights on Tuesday 1st I will fly back then. You are welcome to join me for the extra day of relaxation or climbing :-)

Easyjet flight options to Alicante from both Gatwick and Luton depending on which airport works for you :-

Gatwick -- Alicante
Outbound: Thu 27th Oct 05:50, arrive 09:20
Return: Mon 31st Oct 21:50, arrive 23:30
- or -
Return: Tue 1st Nov 21:50, arrive 23:30

Luton -- Alicante
Outbound: Thu 27th 06:10, arrive 09:45
Return: Mon 31st 18:55, arrive 20:40
- or -
Return: Tue 1st Nov 11:40, arrive 13:25
Note: Luton - There either isn't a late return flight after 29th Oct or Easyjet haven't yet released flight details for this flight yet. In previous years there has been a late flight at same times as Gatwick bound flight detailed above. Best to watch easyjet website...

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