Meet Details

Navigation Meet
4 Feb 2005 to 5 Feb 2005

This is the meet that is guarenteed to improve your navigation, whether you are a beginner or think of yourself as 'expert'. Held in the winter months, to maximise the chance of bad weather! This meet has run for many years and is always populuar, and includes night navigation.
This meet has been rescheduled from Oct, and people who had booked onto the Oct meet will receive priority. As this meet is very popular and numbers are limited you can book early onto this meet. However please understand once booked onto the meet you have taken a valuable place. Dropping out creates extra work for Stephen, the meet steward, who already spends a lot of time preparing the navigations course and exercise, so please don't do it - emergencies excepted.

Date Notes:
Meet Steward Notes:
Location URL:



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