Meet Details

Old Man of Hoy / Orkney - WE DID IT!!!!
9 Sep 2006 to 17 Sep 2006

This will be a climbing/camping meet - its primary objective being to climb the Old Man of Hoy - 450ft - Britains highest and most famous sea stack.
For the Old Man you must come as a climbing pair and be able to lead/second E1/5b. Orkney also has other fabulous sea stack and sea cliff climbing.
Orkney is a beautiful group of islands located off the North cost of Scotland - and if you do not fancy the climbing there are numerous fascinating historical sites around the islands - from stone circles and Neolithic villages to the submerged German fleet from WW1 and everything inbetween!!
The scenery is stunning and the wildlife is spectacular - with many species of birds unique to Orkney within the British Isles.
So there is plenty for the non-climber too.

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