Meet Details

Alps 2009: The B&B tour
25 Jul 2009 to 8 Aug 2009

This year’s Alpine meet will be a two-centred meet; a week in Bernina (on the snow) followed by a week in Bregalia (on the rock). We will be camping in/near Pontresina (1800m in the Val Bernina) for the first week, which runs Saturday July 25th till Saturday August 1st. On the 1st (subject to benightments etc) we’ll move an hour or two up and down the Val Bregalia to camp at Vicosoprano (1100m). I’ll confirm exact locations of campsites in due course.
Email or 'phone me if you want to come and I'll put you on the Alpine circulation list for regular updates. No limit on numbers.

Date Notes:
Meet Steward Notes:
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