Meet Details

Cogne, Italy: Ice Climbing
3 Feb 2024 to 11 Feb 2024

The deadline for being included in the group accommodation booking has now passed. More members are welcome to come on the meet, but will need to sort their own accommodation. There should be options on the usual platforms. And Hotel La Barme in Valnontey is popular with ice climbers. Let Dai Richards (meet steward) know if you're a late joiner and he can add you to the email list and trip Whatsapp group.

Sign up deadline: 30th September 2023

Waterfall ice climbing in Cogne in the Gran Paradiso national park in northern Italy.

Dozens of very accessible single and multipitch routes across all grades with relatively reliable ice conditions and weather.

This meet is suitable for those that are new to ice climbing as well as seasoned chasers of the ephemeral. But budding ice climbers will get much more out of it if they're comfortable leading multipitch trad (same rope work and head game) and ideally have some general winter mountaineering experience.

There's also lots of skiing opportunities in the area including piste, cross country and ski touring.

Accommodation: chalet/Airbnb will be booked based on the number of people that sign up and pay their deposit of £100 by the 30th September.

Deposits are non-refundable and those that sign up are expected to pay their share of the accommodation costs (likely to be around £30 p.p.p.n)

Travel: Fly to Turin or Milan and then hire a car

Guidebook: Cogne Selected Climbs, Oxford Alpine Club

For more info on ice climbing in the area see:


Date Notes:
Meet Steward Notes:
Location URL:

Payment Required!

One of the following payments is required for this meet at the time of booking.

Accommodation deposit £100.00


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