

Social evenings are held on the third Wednesday of each month except in December, where the Xmas calendar will dictate the socials. We meet in the upstairs room of a pub called The Devereux at 20 Devereux Court, Temple, London WC2R 3JJ (map).

Socialising starts in the pub from 7pm and the main event kicks off at about 8pm in the upstairs room.

Sometimes we have a purely social evening or a quiz night, but socials are talks and slide or movie presentations by outside speakers or talented club members on climbing and mountaineering related topics.

Wed 21 Aug 2024

‘Adra’ - the must-see feature-length climbing film of the year. After touring the film festival scene and winning Kendal Mountain Festival’s Community and Culture Film Award, Adra is now coming to the London Mountaineering Club!

The film by Coldhouse and Pertex is kindly being offered out to climbing groups free of charge, and they are encouraging any funds raised by the screenings go towards Llanberis Mountain Rescue Team or your local Mountain Rescue Team. So will create a pot on the evening.

The beautiful film follows local climbers Zoe Wood and Lewis Perrin on a nostalgic journey exploring the history, the locations and the many colourful characters that have lived, worked and played in Llanberis - the diamond at the heart of the rugged North Wales scenery and the epicentre of adventurous climbing in the UK. Adra gently gifts us a sense of home, of community and belonging, and how the mountains of Cymru have conjured up the spirit of ‘hiraeth.’

'Adra' YouTube Trailer (copy and paste into browser)


Screening of feature-length movie

Venue Details

The Devereux, 20 Devereux Court, Temple, London WC2R 3JJ

Wetness Summer of ‘23
Wed 18 Sep 2024

Building of an Alpinist
Our LMC has a small group who like to take themselves from the gym and the crag into the cold, wet and windy Alpine. Come hear from one such member on his latest step in the building of an Alpinist.

From Scotland to Chamonix
Starting out on his first meet climbing the CMD arête with LMC elders, a couple of seasons of Scotland notched up and it’s time for Will to take a sabbatical and add a big notch with a month of summer in Chamonix with his beguiling tangerine climbing buddy.

Role modelling Dodos
Our merry band of Alpinists takes much from role modelling our favourite band of nutters, The Dodo’s, and this trip is no different. There is music, dress-ups and throwing oneself into adversity to build the alpine character.

From camping on a glacier in a tornado, to a dank rock shelf
Dodo Will’s stories will show his insatiable alpine character building through camping in 60 mph winds on glaciers to sleeping on mossy rock ledges in an emergency blankets. Mixed with the bagging of what the alpine would offer during this wet summer of ‘23.

Come have a couple of beers and laughs with Will Osborn at the September LMC Social. Usual kick off drinks at 7pm and talk at 730pm.


Will Osborne

Venue Details

The Devereux, 20 Devereux Court, Temple, London WC2R 3JJ

Night Walking and Solo Wild Camping
Wed 16 Oct 2024

"To sleep on the mountain is to be immersed in it. The feel of the ground through the blankets, the vast silence around, the clear air, the sense of being on the roof of the world — it is an experience of total immersion in the natural world. The mountains at night have a different character, more intimate and yet more vast, than in the day."
— Nan Shepherd, The Living Mountain

Originating from constraints and the wish to juggle work, family, and being outdoors, becoming nocturnal opened endless levels of freedom. Walking at night distorts the perception of time while all other senses expand.

In this Social, Tal will share some of his experiences of night walking and solo camping in the mountains.


Tal Ben Amar

Venue Details

The Devereux, 20 Devereux Court, Temple, London WC2R 3JJ

HOLD THE DATE - LMC Christmas Party
Wed 11 Dec 2024


Venue Details